The nuclei of the Paget's cells are atypical and, though not seen here, often have prominent nucleoli. Paget氏细胞的细胞核有异型性而且常有显而易见的核仁(尽管这里未见到)。
A PAS stain demonstrates mucin within the Paget's cells of Paget's disease of the breast. 过碘酸希夫染色显示了乳腺Paget病Paget氏细胞里的黏蛋白。
At high magnification, the large Paget's cells of Paget's disease of breast have abundant clear cytoplasm and appear in the epidermis either singly or in clusters. 高倍放大后,可见乳腺Paget病大的Paget氏细胞有着丰富清晰的细胞质而且或单个或成簇地见于表皮。